Victoria Ward is a diverse and dynamic area that deserves strong and effective representation. We are committed to working hard for you and your interests, and to making Victoria Ward an even better place to live, work and visit.
We will work to support the vibrancy of the town centre, helping to boost the local economy, attract visitors and enhance the image of Ashford as a creative and innovative town.
We applaud the investment that has been made in Victoria Park, improving the facilities and accessibility, but there is more potential to utilise this green space for the benefit of the community. We would like to see more festivals, concerts, markets and fairs taking place in the park, as well as more opportunities for sports, leisure and education. We would also like to see more collaboration between the park's management and the town centre's businesses and organisations, to promote joint initiatives and events.
Although not directly controlled by the Borough Council, we will lobby bus operators and KCC to review and improve the current bus provision, and to explore new options such as community buses or demand-responsive services.
I hope you share our vision for Victoria Ward, and that you will support Charles Ellis and Tony Trilsbach on May 4th. We would love to hear about the things that are important to you in Ashford, so please do not hesitate to contact us.