A vote for any party other than the Conservatives is a vote for Labour. And Keir Starmer knows that.
In fact, if people like you vote Labour, Reform or the Lib Dems, you could end up handing Labour over 100 extra seats.
That would be the biggest majority Labour have ever had.
Thank about it. The Lib Dems are on board with everything Starmer want to do.
Reform won’t win any seats. So there’d be no one standing up for your values and your priorities.
It would be Keir Starmer, doing whatever he wants, with no one holding him to account on your behalf.
So a vote for Labour or anyone other than the Conservatives won’t just result in the election of one extra Labour MP. It risks giving Keir Starmer the blank cheque he wants.
Do you know Keir Starmer would do with a blank cheque?
Starmer has had four years to tell you his plan. But he hasn’t told you anything.
The only thing we know is that wants to raise taxes and bring in new regulations.
A retirement tax, applying tax to state pensions for the first time in history.
French-style union laws, banning flexible working and risking people’s jobs.
And maybe even a National ULEZ scheme and a Pay-Per-Mile Road Tax, forcing drivers to pay just like in Labour London.
But what else isn’t he telling you?
Are you sure you want to let Keir Starmer change the country for generations to come?
Don’t give Starmer a blank cheque, courtesy of the next generation.