organised by the
LITTLE SILVER COUNTRY HOTEL, St, Michael’s, Tenterden, TN30 6SP
( Tel: 01233 850321)
Guest of Honour :The Rt. Hon. Damian Green MP for Ashford
Guest Speaker: The Rt Hon. Helen Whately MP for Faversham and Mid-Kent
Male and female guests will be welcomed
Overleaf there is a 2-course menu with choices in each course, plus tea/coffee.
Please indicate your choice of menu and send with your payment of £19.50 per person.
CWO Annual lunch on 2.11.2018 - £19.50 per person - Please complete reply slip below
I/We ………………………………………………………will/will not attend …………………..
Main Course 1……………………………………………. Dessert ………………………………...
Main Course 2……………………………………………. Dessert ………………...………………...
Address ……. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Email address …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Enclose a donation …………………………………………..Tel. No. ……………………………….
Cheques made payable, please, to: Conservative Women’s Organisation
To: Mrs. Betty Chantler, Nesfield, Station Road, Pluckley, TN27 OQU. (Tel: 01233 840206)
Menu for CWO Annual Lunch 2nd November 2018
Rump of Lamb. with parmentier potatoes and a roasted garlic and rosemary gravy
Roasted vegetable Wellington (vegetarian) with a sweet pepper sauce served with seasonal vegetables
Desserts - Apple and peach crumble with home made English custard
Cheese and biscuits
Tea or Coffee